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About Receiver in Canal Hearing Aids

If you struggle with hearing problems, do not delay treatment because problems might get worse. Now you only have mild to moderate hearing loss, but in a few years this complication might become a severe hearing loss and then it will be much more difficult to treat it. Hearing aid California device company invites you to browse through hundreds of hearing aids from brand names such as Phonak, Microtech or Widex and choose the one mostly suitable to you.

One very popular hearing aid type is the RIC-or the Receiver in the Canal device. San Francisco Audiology experts advise the use of this type of hearing aid for patients with moderate to severe hearing loss. The receiver in the canal hearing devices feature a microphone and a special micro amplifier which will go behind the ear. These two components are connected to each other through wires to a main receiver which is fitted to an ear bud which goes directly into the ear canal. If you would like the best sound quality, with crystal clear sounds, the receiver in the canal device might be the perfect option.

The Hearing Device Company

The device is slightly noticeable only and you can choose from many different skin tone colors (such as medium brown, dark brown, chestnut, light beige, etc.). You should choose the color which mostly suits your exact skin tone, to make the device even less noticeable when worn. These devices are custom mold to fit the exact anatomy of your ear, and they typically cost anything between $1,200 and can go as expensive as $3,000.

The Hearing Device Company

The RIC is comfortable, open fit and it has a very stylish and sleek design. Some of the most powerful models from Starkey, Microtech or Siemens can be found on the main website of the audiological services of San Francisco, at thehearingdevicecompany.com.